3K International Income Bond Fund - Unit Class I

Valuation Day


Net Asset Value


Risk level

Investment Scope

The investment objective of the mutual fund is to achieve the highest possible returns by investing in debt securities traded in Greece or abroad. 

To achieve its objective the mutual fund invests at least 65% of its net assets in debt securities (bonds), whose issuers or guarantors are Member States of the European Union or public international organizations in which one or more member states or companies located in member state of EU participate and that are traded in regulated markets in Greece or abroad. It may also invest secondarily in other transferable securities, money market instruments, fixed income securities, bank deposits and units or shares in Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities (UCITS). The mutual fund’s investment in equities may not exceed 10% of the fund's net assets. It is noted that the Fund is allowed to invest all its assets (100%) in transferable securities and money market instruments of the same issuer issued or guaranteed by the Greek State or other Member States of the European Union under the specific terms referred in its Regulation.

3K Investment Partners M.F.M.C implements active management of the mutual fund. The selection of debt securities is based on the analysis and evaluation of parameters, such as the interest rate environment and the issuer’s creditworthiness always within the context of optimizing the risk-performance ratio. Derivatives may also be used, for hedging purposes, which may affect the mutual fund’s performance.

The acquisition or redemption of units is possible each (working) day following the shareholder's request, on the corresponding subscription or redemption price, as calculated in accordance with the fund’s Regulation and published on the website of 3K Investment Partners (www.3kip.gr). 

The mutual fund’s benchmark is the Euribor 12M + 1%. The mutual fund’s Benchmark is the Total Return Index/Athens Stock Exchange General Index. The fund implements active management over the benchmark, meaning that the selection of the fund's holdings in relation to the composition of the benchmark is at the discretion of 3K Investment Partners, hence the portfolio composition may vary from the composition of the benchmark. The fund’s benchmark is used for comparison purposes only.

Any profits and income occurred are reinvested.


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Past returns do not predict future returns

Historical NAV

Calendar Year Performance (NET %)

*The fund is actively managed and does not follow a benchmark.

The fund’s benchmark is Euribor 12M +1%.

The Institutional unit class was activated in 2020, therefore there is sufficient data to provide a useful indication only for the last 3 years.

The graph has limited value as a guide for the future returns of the mutual fund, since mutual funds do not have guaranteed performance and past returns do not ensure future ones.

The costs, fees and taxes, that are borne by the mutual fund and taken into account in the calculation of Unit Class past performances, are the management fee, the custodian fee, expenses and commissions on transactions made ​​on behalf of the fund, any tax with respect to fund required by the applicable law, the remuneration of the auditors, the costs of statutory posts made ​​on behalf of the fund and the expenses relating to compulsory by law notification of the mutual fund’s unit holders.

This mutual fund was launched in 2006, while the Institutional unit class was activated in 2020.

The past performances are calculated in EUR.


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Cumulative Performance (ΝΕΤ %)

EUR 1y 3y 5y
Fund 6,59 14,67 16,29
Share Class Benchmark 4,23 11,80 12,99
Date Report 28/02/2025

Practical Info

ISIN Code: GRF000316007
Currency: EUR
Unit class: I
Asset class: Fixed Income
Region: Global

Risk and Reward Profile

The Summary Risk Indicator (SRI) is based on the assumption that you will keep the product for 3 years. The real risk may vary significantly if you liquidate earlier. The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of the risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are not able to pay you.

We have classified this product as 3 out of 7, which is the medium-low risk category because it invests primarily in debt securities, which can fluctuate significantly. This classification may change in the future. The lowest class (1) does not mean zero risk. This product does not include any protection from future market performance, so you could lose some or all of your investment. Risks that may be materially related to the product and which are not included in the summary risk index are the following: Counterparty Risk the risk that the settlement of transactions will not be fulfilled smoothly such as non-payment of money or valid delivery of securities by the counterparty. Operational Risk the risk related to potential malfunctions of the company's processes and systems. Interest rate risk is the risk of bond and money markets resulting from changes in the yield curve. Liquidity Risk: Due to liquidity risk, unitholders in the event of a redemption: a)may receive less than the value they have in mind when they take the decision to liquidate the units (due to the decrease in the unit price that may occur in the meantime ) b) they may not be able to redeem the units at the time they wish. Also under extreme liquidity conditions the net price per unit may decrease significantly.

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Synthetic Risk and Reward Indicator

Interest Form

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